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How to get free PR8, PR6, PR5 do follow backlinks

Do follow backlinks are one of the most valuable resources on the internet. These do follow back links helps in increasing Google page rank of your blog/website. More the Google page rank is more traffic your blog/website will receive from the search engines. so if you want to get more traffic then you must have good Google page rank . Here comes the concept of do-follow backlinks. If your blog/website has more number of good quality do follow backlinks pointing towards it then it will surely helps in increasing page rank of your blog. This post is about getting 4 doing follow back links from very high PR websites.

Where to get do follow backlinks?

In this article we will only discuss about getting 4 do-follow backlinks 2 from PR5 websites, 1 from PR6 website and 1 from PR8 website. These websites are CSSDeck,, Pinterest, The Pagerank for these four websites is given below.

CSSDeck= PR5 = PR5 PR6

Pinterest= PR8

How to get backlinks from these websites?


CSSDeck is ultimate playground for CSS, HTML and JavaScript developers. If you are a web developer then you must check CSSDeck. It has huge repository of CSS, HTML and JavaScript codes. Here you can test your code in real time. You can also submit your code by creating an account at this website. Putting your code at CSSDeck will also gives you more exposure and provides traffic to your blog. This is a brief introduction to CSSDeck. Now come to our main point how to get backlink from this website?  It is very easy process just visit CSSDeck and Register your new account. Now while updating your profile information you will find an option named as website . Enter your complete blog address in that field and  update the information. Congratulations you have successfully created your first PR5 do follow backlink to your blog.

Code Pen is another PR5 website based on Web design and development techniques using CSS, JavaScript, Jquery and HTML. This website is almost similar to CSSDeck. To get second PR 5 do follow backlink to your blog just  create your account at and in your profile information add your complete blog address in the link field. Save your profile information and you are done.
As we told earlier that these website are PR5 websites so getting two PR5 backlink means a lot. Especially if your blog is related to web design. forums are very high PR6 forums. These are mainly related to web design and development. Again if you have a blog related to web design then this will helps in increasing  your page rank. Getting backlink from is very easy. Just register your account at Now create a good looking and real post in the forums with your complete blog address. Congratulations you have got your third high PR does follow backlink


We are familiar with Pinterest very much. It is most popular and very fastly emerged social network of 2012. It has a huge PR of 8. Getting a PR 8 backlink will boost your blogs page rank. For getting backlink from Pinterest you have to create your account on Pinterest. After creating your account add your complete blog address in the website field in your profile. After adding your blog to your Pinterest profile just verifies your blog with Pinterest. Once you verify your blog then you will get your backlink in no time.

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